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A Year in the Life of our Plot.



Despite a very wet, windy and relatively mild Winter, we have made good headway. During the autumn a good layer of compost was spread over most of the veg plot and this has now been turned in, in readiness for Spring planting. A thick layer was also used to mulch all fruit and will stay in place now till the autumn making these beds almost maintenance free till harvest time. Shallots and 4 rows of parsnips were sown mid-month and John has prepared 2 deep trenches in readiness for the Runner Beans which we have left open to fill with kitchen waste etc to retain as much moisture as possible.

Autumn'99 sown

Broad Beans are doing well as are the Japanese Onions.

Trench prepared for Runner Beans and some early daffs.  


The month has started with John laying another path. Over the last few years we have gradually been collecting second-hand slabs by one way or another and we are finding it a very effective way to maintain the paths between beds. This will now complete the first 5 rods on the veg side.

The second week in the month we have started to plant early potatoes using the trench method. First filling the trench with a good layer of compost before placing in potatoes and covering with earth. Two earth-ups should be sufficient later on when the tops begin to show and then a good mulch to retain as much moisture as possible. (Our site is free draining and gets very dry in the summer months)

Although the weather is warm for the time of year it is tempting to sow early carrots but I think we will delay for another week or so. I am busy in the greenhouse making sowings of Beetroot, Spring Onion, Lettuce, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Celeriac, Leeks and Tomatoes. Also a variety of annuals and perennial flowers for our latest plot added in 1999.

In 1999 I decided to experiment with growing carrots between the onions to see if it really would deter the carrot fly. I had considerable success so I am continuing this year. Onion sets have been planted leaving spaces for mid-season and main crop carrots .The third week of the month I sowed 2 rows under a fleece cloche which I hope will also act as a deterrent.

John is preparing the base for our new shed

On the fruit plot the Damson tree is in full blossom a good 6 weeks early. (I think I will have to have a few strong words with it.)

TIP - To aid pollination hang bunches of flowering Hawthorn (May blossom) in your Damson trees.

April to May 2000

June to August 2000

September to December 2000


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